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3dsMax 2021全面核心技能训练视频教程【中文字幕】









发表于 2020-11-6 10:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

 3dsMax软件以其高效建模和渲染而闻名。 这种优势在建筑,制造,游戏开发,工业设计和动态图形方面发挥了重要作用。 从建模和纹理到照明和渲染,有数十种功能和技术需要掌握。 本课程从头开始概述了整个3ds Max软件,以及3D艺术家创建专业模型和动画所需的基本技能。讲解了3ds Max界面并根据自己需求对其进行自定义设置。 探索如何使用样条线,多边形和细分曲面为不同的对象建模。 然后,学习构造层次结构,添加摄影机和灯光以及为关键帧设置动画。 讲师Aaron F. Ross还深入研究了材质和纹理贴图,以及Arnold和Quicksilver等渲染引擎的选项。


001 - Introducing 3ds Max 2021.mp4

002 - Using the exercise files.mp4

003 - Choosing a workspace.mp4

004 - Setting preferences.mp4

005 - Using project folders.mp4

006 - Getting familiar with the interface.mp4

007 - Customizing a workspace.mp4

008 - Customizing background and grid colors.mp4

009 - Creating primitives with keyboard entry.mp4

010 - Creating primitives interactively with the mouse.mp4

011 - Position objects with Select and Move.mp4

012 - Rotate and scale objects.mp4

013 - Navigating in viewports.mp4

014 - Orbit and viewport Undo.mp4

015 - Saving time with keyboard shortcut hotkeys.mp4

016 - Customizing hotkeys.mp4

017 - Choosing viewport shading modes.mp4

018 - Advanced viewport settings and presets.mp4

019 - Configuring viewport layouts.mp4

020 - Specifying display units.mp4

021 - Specifying system units.mp4

022 - Defining the home grid.mp4

023 - Saving a maxstart.max template scene.mp4

024 - Merging scenes.mp4

025 - Duplicating object instances with Array.mp4

026 - Clone objects with transforms.mp4

027 - Introducing snap.mp4

028 - Precision transforms with Grid and Snap.mp4

029 - Outlining object names with Scene Explorer.mp4

030 - Collecting objects in groups.mp4

031 - Managing display layers.mp4

032 - Controlling object and layer display properties.mp4

033 - Understanding XREF external references.mp4

034 - Creating an XREFrecord.mp4

035 - Moving objects in reference coordinate systems.mp4

036 - Rotating objects in reference coordinate systems.mp4

037 - Manipulating objects around a Transform Coordinate Center.mp4

038 - Using Isolate Selection and Lock Selection.mp4

039 - Selecting in Window and Crossing modes.mp4

040 - Creating shapes.mp4

041 - Editing Bezier splines.mp4

042 - Setting shape detail with interpolation.mp4

043 - Modeling with the Extrude modifier.mp4

044 - Extruding along a path with the Sweep modifier.mp4

045 - Exporting paths from Adobe Illustrator.mp4

046 - Importing Illustrator paths to 3ds Max.mp4

047 - Adding a Bevel modifier.mp4

048 - Controlling level of detail for a Bevel modifier.mp4

049 - Modeling typography with TextPlus.mp4

050 - Manipulating and fine-tuning TextPlus.mp4

051 - Deforming an object with a modifier.mp4

052 - Layering deformers in the modifier stack.mp4

053 - Defining polygon level of detail.mp4

054 - Passing a selection up the stack.mp4

055 - Understanding topology dependence.mp4

056 - Versioning and collapsing the stack.mp4

057 - Preparing Boolean operands.mp4

058 - Combine volumes with Boolean Compound Objects.mp4

059 - Adding edges with QuickSlice.mp4

060 - Adding edges with Cut.mp4

061 - Hardening polygon edges with the Smooth modifier.mp4

062 - Using the Modeling ribbon.mp4

063 - Simplifying geometry with Remove.mp4

064 - Branching with Editable Poly Extrude.mp4

065 - Detailing a mesh.mp4

066 - Rounding corners with chamfer.mp4

067 - Understanding subdivision surfaces.mp4

068 - Best practices for modeling subdivision surfaces.mp4

069 - Box modeling for subdivision surfaces.mp4

070 - Modeling with the Symmetry modifier.mp4

071 - Modeling curvature with Soft Selection.mp4

072 - Refining geometry with SwiftLoop.mp4

073 - Constraining sub-object transforms.mp4

074 - Correcting a seam with Non-Uniform Scale offset.mp4

075 - Sharpening corners with edge crease.mp4

076 - Baking subdivisions.mp4

077 - Creating a physical camera and target.mp4

078 - First-person camera navigation in viewports.mp4

079 - Enabling Safe Frames.mp4

080 - Setting resolution and aspect ratio in Render Setup.mp4

081 - Creating a free camera.mp4

082 - Rotating in Gimbal coordinate space.mp4

083 - Setting rotation Axis Order to emulate a tripod.mp4

084 - Previewing renders with ActiveShade.mp4

085 - Creating photometric lights.mp4

086 - Adjusting light intensity and color.mp4

087 - Adjusting light shape.mp4

088 - Controlling spotlight parameters.mp4

089 - Using the Light Explorer.mp4

090 - Illuminating with an environment color.mp4

091 - Illuminating with an HDRI environment.mp4

092 - White balancing an environment.mp4

093 - Separating environment from background.mp4

094 - Creating a sun and sky.mp4

095 - Using the Slate Material Editor.mp4

096 - Assigning materials to objects.mp4

097 - Managing scene materials.mp4

098 - Managing sample slots.mp4

099 - Saving a material library.mp4

100 - Physical Material color and roughness.mp4

101 - Physical Material reflection parameters.mp4

102 - Controlling viewport material shading.mp4

103 - Controlling material sample size.mp4

104 - Creating a 3D procedural map.mp4

105 - Art directing 3D map parameters.mp4

106 - Mapping bitmap image files.mp4

107 - Projecting UVs with UVW Map.mp4

108 - Using Real-World Map Size.mp4

109 - Restoring links with Asset Tracking.mp4

110 - Understanding hierarchies.mp4

111 - Moving pivot points.mp4

112 - Rotating pivot points.mp4

113 - Prioritizing rotation axes.mp4

114 - Linking objects.mp4

115 - Locking transforms.mp4

116 - Correcting and avoiding scale issues.mp4

117 - Choosing frame rate and playback speed.mp4

118 - Choosing the active time segment.mp4

119 - Creating keyframes in Auto Key mode.mp4

120 - Creating keyframes in Set Key mode.mp4

121 - Editing keyframes in the Track Bar Timeline.mp4

122 - Editing keyframes in the Dope Sheet.mp4

123 - Editing keyframes in the Curve Editor.mp4

124 - Editing interpolation in the Curve Editor.mp4

125 - Manipulating tangents in the Curve Editor.mp4

126 - Editing a trajectory with a motion path.mp4

127 - Choosing a renderer.mp4

128 - Choosing render options.mp4

129 - Rendering an image sequence.mp4

130 - Playing an image sequence with the RAM Player.mp4

131 - Tonemapping a high dynamic range rendering.mp4

132 - Next steps.mp4


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